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со всех языков на все языки

make themselves

  • 1 make

    [meɪk] 1. гл.; прош. вр., прич. прош. вр. made
    1) делать, конструировать, создавать, изготавливать

    Made in Japan. — Сделано в Японии. ( надпись на продукте)

    The beaver makes its hole, the bee makes its cell. — Бобёр строит себе нору, пчела - соты.

    This craftsman can make almost anything out of bamboo. — Этот мастер может сделать из бамбука практически всё.

    Nissan now makes cars at two plants in Europe. — В настоящее время "Ниссан" производит автомобили на двух заводах в Европе.

    2) создавать, творить, порождать

    They are made for each other / one another. — Они созданы друг для друга.

    He was made to be an artist. — Ему суждено было стать художником.

    3) готовить (какое-л. блюдо или напиток)

    to make tea / coffee — готовить чай / кофе

    4) создавать, сочинять, слагать
    6) производить, издавать ( звук)
    7) быть причиной, вызвать (что-л.)

    He made trouble for us. — Он причинил нам неприятности.

    8) устанавливать (правила, порядок); вводить в действие ( закон); устанавливать (нормы, расценки)
    9) составлять, образовывать

    A House was made today promptly at a quarter-past 12 o'clock. — Кворум в Палате общин был сегодня достигнут быстро, к 12.15.

    10) (make smb. / smth. (out) of smb. / smth.) сделать кого-л. / что-л. из кого-л. / чего-л.

    to make a business of smth. — делать бизнес на чём-л.

    They must be made an example of. — Они должны послужить примером.

    I always supposed that Mrs. Lupin and you would make a match of it. — Я всегда предполагал, что миссис Люпин и Вы поженитесь.

    11) составлять, вырабатывать (мнение, план)

    I make no doubt everyone practises similar stratagems. — Я не сомневаюсь, что все используют те же самые уловки.

    We make the judgement of Chaucer from his works. — Мы составляем мнение о Чосере на основе его произведений.

    12) ( make of) считать (что-л. чем-л. / кого-л. кем-л.)

    He has gone to Edinburgh now. I don't know what to make of him. — Теперь он отправился в Эдинбург. Я просто не знаю, что о нём думать.

    13) мор. рассмотреть, разглядеть, увидеть издалека

    If we could make land, we should know where we were. — Если бы мы могли увидеть землю, мы бы знали, где мы находимся.

    14) составлять, равняться

    Two and two make four. — Два плюс два равняется четырём.

    15) составлять, быть достаточным ( обычно с отрицанием)

    One actress does not make a play. — Одна актриса не делает пьесы.

    A long beard does not make a philosopher. — Длинная борода ещё не делает человека философом.

    16) быть, являться (частью, членом чего-л.)

    to make one (of) — быть членом, участником; стать одним из

    I wanted to see that sort of people together and to make one of them. — Я хотел посмотреть на этот тип людей и стать одним из них.

    I was number thirteen, and you came in and made the fourteenth. — Я был тринадцатым, а ты пришёл и стал четырнадцатым.

    17) стать, сделаться; становиться

    He will make a good manager. — Он станет хорошим управляющим.

    She will make him a good wife. — Она будет ему хорошей женой.

    18) зарабатывать, наживать, приобретать (деньги, репутацию)

    to make capital out of smth. — составить капитал из чего-л., нажить капитал на чём-л.

    to make on smth. — заработать на чём-л., получить выгоду

    to make a name — составить, сделать имя

    He made a name as a successful actor. — Он сделал себе имя, прославившись как актёр.

    а) карт. бить, брать ( взятку)
    б) карт. тасовать
    в) спорт. удержать ( счёт); выиграть ( очко в игре); забить ( мяч)
    20) набирать, прибавлять, увеличивать ( вес)

    Two of them made twenty stones each in sixteen weeks. — Двое из них набрали за шестнадцать недель каждый по 280 фунтов.

    21) пытаться (что-л. сделать)

    He got very excited, and made to catch hold of her dress. — Он пришёл в сильное возбуждение и попытался схватить её за платье.

    а) идти, продвигаться (в определённом направлении; в конструкции с наречиями или наречными фразами)

    to make back — вернуться, возвратиться

    I made steadily but slowly towards them. — Я медленно, но верно двигался в их направлении.

    He made straight towards a distant light. — Он направился прямо к видневшемуся вдали свету.

    We see an immense flock of geese making up the stream. — Мы видим большую стаю гусей, плывущих вверх по течению.

    I could get no boat, so I must make the distance on foot. — Я не смог раздобыть лодку, поэтому я должен пройти весь путь пешком.

    б) ( make after) уст. преследовать, гнаться за (кем-л.); пускаться в погоню за (кем-л.)

    The policeman made after the thieves, but failed to catch them. — Полицейский бросился вдогонку за ворами, но не сумел их схватить.

    23) приводить в порядок, убирать

    Make to the hood means to accustom a hawk to the hood. — "Тренировать на колпачок" значит приучать сокола к колпачку.

    25) привести к ( успеху), обеспечить ( успех); обеспечить (кому-л.) процветание, богатство

    Bismarck has made Germany. — Бисмарк сделал из Германии процветающее государство.

    26) считать, полагать, прикидывать; представлять, описывать (каким-л. образом)

    What time do you make it, Mr. Baker? — Как Вы полагаете, мистер Бейкер, который сейчас час?

    Macbeth is not half so bad as the play makes him. — Макбет и на половину не так плох, как он изображён в пьесе.

    27) крим. определить, вычислить, расколоть

    You had better disguise so he won't make you. — Ты лучше измени внешность, чтобы он не опознал тебя.

    а) совершать, осуществлять, выполнять (какие-л. действия)

    To make the campaign was the dearest wish of Harry's life. — Воевать было заветной мечтой Гарри.

    б) демонстрировать жестами, движением тела (уважение, презрение)

    The King made a low obeisance to the window where they were standing. — Король сделал почтительный поклон в сторону окна, у которого они стояли.

    в) заключать (соглашение, сделку)
    г) совершать (поездку, путешествие, экскурсию)
    д) произносить (что-л.)

    to make a speech / an oration — произносить речь

    29) уст. есть, кушать

    I never made a better dinner in my life. — В жизни своей не ел более вкусного обеда.

    а) добиваться, достигать
    б) амер.; разг. уговорить переспать; совратить, соблазнить

    Young Fraser tried to make her once. — Юный Фрейзер как-то попытался её соблазнить.

    в) ( make for) способствовать, содействовать (чему-л.)

    The large print makes for easier reading. — Большие буквы легче читать.

    а) мор. подниматься, приливать ( о воде)

    We shall build this into a platform in order to give us a little extra height when the tide makes. — Мы должны встроить это в (морскую) платформу, чтобы у нас был запас высоты, когда начнёт подниматься прилив.

    After ice makes, the fish freeze almost as soon as you take them out of the water. — Когда устанавливается лёд, рыба замораживается практически сразу же, как её вытащишь из воды.

    32) говорить, свидетельствовать (о чем-л.)

    All these things make in favour of Mr. Gladstone. — Все эти вещи свидетельствуют в пользу мистера Гладстона.

    а) ( make for) быстро продвигаться, направляться

    After the concert, the crowd made for the nearest door. — После концерта толпа направилась к ближайшему выходу.

    б) ( make at) атаковать, наброситься

    The prisoner made at the guard with a knife. — Заключённый набросился на охранника с ножом.

    34) ( make into) переделывать, превращать (во что-л.)
    35) в сочетании с существительным означает действие, соответствующее значению существительного

    to make a discovery — открыть, совершить открытие

    36) при употреблении в качестве глагола-связки: приводить к какому-л. состоянию
    а) (make + прил.)

    to make ready — приготовить, подготовить

    You'll only make bad worse. — Вы же сделаете ещё хуже.

    The elephants, made furious by their wounds, increased the disorder. — Израненные и разъярённые, слоны ещё больше усиливали всеобщую панику.

    - make angry
    - make better
    - make worse
    - make clear
    - make dirty
    - make even
    - make famous
    б) (make + прич. прош. вр.) обычно употребляется с глаголами понимания, восприятия: known, acquainted, felt, heard, understood

    I hope I made myself understood. — Надеюсь, я ясно выразился.

    She made it known that she was the mayor's wife. — Она дала понять, что она жена мэра.

    Many diseases first make themselves felt in the dead of night. — Многие болезни впервые дают о себе знать глубокой ночью.

    to make oneself scarce — ретироваться, исчезнуть, сгинуть

    Take the precious darling, Tilly, while I make myself of some use. — Возьми малютку, Тилли, пока я немного помогу.

    а) (делать кем-л. / чем-л.)

    This sentence made the noisy doctor a popular hero. — Этот приговор сделал из беспокойного доктора популярного героя.

    б) назначать ( на должность), повышать ( в чине), присваивать ( титул)

    They made her chairwoman. — Они выбрали её председателем.

    The Queen made Marlborough a duke. — Королева сделала Мальборо герцогом.

    а) (make smb. do smth.) заставлять, побуждать (кого-л. сделать что-л.)

    I'll make him cry. — Я заставлю его плакать.

    We were made to learn fifty new words every week. — Нас заставляли учить по пятьдесят новых слов в неделю.

    б) (be made to do smth.) быть приведёнными к какому-л. состоянию

    The two statements can hardly be made to agree. — Едва ли можно примирить два этих утверждения.

    The enemy will not play the game according to the rules, and there are none to make him. — Противник не будет играть по правилам, и нет никого, кто заставил бы его это сделать.

    - make down
    - make off
    - make out
    - make over
    - make up

    to make much / little / something of smth. — придавать большое / небольшое / некоторое значение чему-л.

    to make head or tail of smth. — понять что к чему, осмыслить

    to make smb.'s day — осчастливить кого-л.

    - make a fire
    - make a row
    - make one's mind easy
    - make peace
    - make place
    - make room
    - make way
    - make no matter
    - make long hours
    - make good time
    - make believe
    - make do
    - make it
    - make sure
    - make a dead set at smb.
    - make a dead set at smth.
    - make time out
    - make a point
    - make a poor mouth
    - make one's appearance
    - make or break
    2. сущ.
    а) стиль, фасон, модель
    б) тип, марка

    I tested the records on four different makes of gramophone. — Я проверил грампластинки на граммофонах четырёх разных типов.

    2) строение; склад, конституция, сложение

    He was a huge man, with the make and muscles of a prize-fighter. — Он был здоровым мужиком с телом и мускулами боксёра-профессионала.

    3) склад характера, менталитет

    Giotto was, in the make of him, a very much stronger man than Titian. — Джотто по складу своего характера был гораздо более сильным человеком, чем Тициан.

    а) производство, изготовление ( изделия)
    5) крим. удачно совершённая кража или мошенничество
    6) эл. замыкание цепи
    7) карт. объявление козырной масти ( в бридже)
    8) амер.; разг.
    9) амер.; разг. установление, идентификация; ориентировка

    We've got a make on Beth Pine. She's on our files. — Мы установили личность Бет Пайн. Она есть у нас в картотеке.

    - make and mend
    - make and mend hour

    Англо-русский современный словарь > make

  • 2 make oneself scarce

       paзг. убpaтьcя вocвoяcи, удpaть, улизнуть
        What the hell do you think you're doing in my car? Get out, make yourself scarce (J. O'Hara). When the thieves saw the police coming they soon made themselves scarce

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > make oneself scarce

  • 3 enough to make the angels weep

    ≈ невольно слёзы навёртываются, хоть кого заставит расплакаться [шекспировское выражение; см. цитату]

    Isabella: "...but man, proud man! Drest in a little brief authority, Most ignorant of what he's assured, His glassy essence - like an angry ape, Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven, As make the angels weep who, with our spleens, Would all themselves laugh mortal." (W. Shakespeare, ‘Measure for Measure’, act II, sc. 2) — Изабелла: "...но человек, Но гордый человек, что облечен Минутным, кратковременным величьем И так в себе уверен, что не помнит, Что хрупок, как стекло, - он перед небом Кривляется, как злая обезьяна. И так, что плачут ангелы над ним, Которые, будь смертными они, Наверное, б до смерти досмеялись." (перевод Т. Щепкиной-Куперник)

    It is enough to make the angels weep, to find such a couplet as this. (W. Black, ‘Goldsmith’, ch. IX) — Это двустишие полно такой тоски, что от него, кажется, камни заплачут.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > enough to make the angels weep

  • 4 light gains make heavy purses

    English-Ukrainian dictionary of proverbs > light gains make heavy purses

  • 5 take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves

    syn: many a little makes a mickle
    ≅ із копійки рублі робляться гріш копи береже зеренце до зеренця, то буде мірка

    English-Ukrainian dictionary of proverbs > take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves

  • 6 truccare

    make up
    motore soup up
    partita, elezioni fix
    * * *
    truccare v.tr.
    1 to make* up; to put* make-up on (s.o.): lo truccarono da vecchio, they made him up to look like an old man; truccarsi il viso, to make up one's face; truccarsi gli occhi, to put eye make-up on
    2 ( per trarre in inganno) to disguise: la nave spia era stata truccata da peschereccio, the spy ship was disguised as a fishing boat
    3 (fig.) ( preordinare, alterare) to fix, to rig: truccare una partita, to fix a match; truccare i risultati di un referendum, to fix (o to rig) the results of a referendum // truccare le carte, to mark the cards // truccare i dadi, to load the dice // truccare un motore, to soup up an engine.
    truccarsi v.rifl.
    1 to make* (oneself) up, to put* on make-up: gli attori si truccano sempre prima di recitare, actors always make (themselves) up before performing; si trucca troppo, she wears too much make-up; si truccò prima di uscire, she put on make-up before going out
    2 ( travestirsi) to disguise oneself: i poliziotti si truccarono da operai, the policemen disguised themselves as factory workers.
    * * *
    1. vt
    1) (Sport: partita, incontro) to fix, rig, (carte da gioco) to mark, (dadi) to load, (Auto : motore) to soup up
    2) (attore, viso, occhi) to make up
    (gen) Teatro, Cine to make o.s. up

    truccarsi da — to make o.s. up as

    * * *
    [truk'kare] 1.
    verbo transitivo
    1) cosmet. to make* up, to put* make-up on [persona, viso]
    2) (travestire) to dress up; (per ingannare) to disguise [ persona]
    3) (manipolare) to load [ dadi]; to mark, to stack [ carte]; to fix [concorso, partita]; to rig, to fix [ elezioni]; to modify, to soup up [ motore]
    verbo pronominale truccarsi
    1) cosmet. to make* (oneself) up, to put* on one's make-up

    -rsi gli occhi, il viso — to make up one's eyes, face

    2) (travestirsi) to dress up; (per ingannare) to disguise oneself (da as)
    * * *
    /truk'kare/ [1]
     1 cosmet. to make* up, to put* make-up on [persona, viso]
     2 (travestire) to dress up; (per ingannare) to disguise [ persona]
     3 (manipolare) to load [ dadi]; to mark, to stack [ carte]; to fix [concorso, partita]; to rig, to fix [ elezioni]; to modify, to soup up [ motore]
    II truccarsi verbo pronominale
     1 cosmet. to make* (oneself) up, to put* on one's make-up; -rsi gli occhi, il viso to make up one's eyes, face
     2 (travestirsi) to dress up; (per ingannare) to disguise oneself (da as).

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > truccare

  • 7 hacerse oír

    to make oneself heard, to make oneself be heard.
    * * *
    (v.) = make + Reflexivo + heard, make + Posesivo + voice heard
    Ex. By shouting they may make themselves heard, but they also coarsen the quality of the sounds they produce, limiting the range and vocal color = Si gritan pueden hacerse oír, pero también embastecen la calidad de los sonidos que producen, limitando los rasgos de la voz y los tonos vocales.
    Ex. In the USA and Canada women in librarianship have organised themselves and made their voices heard.
    * * *
    (v.) = make + Reflexivo + heard, make + Posesivo + voice heard

    Ex: By shouting they may make themselves heard, but they also coarsen the quality of the sounds they produce, limiting the range and vocal color = Si gritan pueden hacerse oír, pero también embastecen la calidad de los sonidos que producen, limitando los rasgos de la voz y los tonos vocales.

    Ex: In the USA and Canada women in librarianship have organised themselves and made their voices heard.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hacerse oír

  • 8 קני

    קני, קָנָה(b. h.) ( to estabIish, 1) (cmp. קום, Gen. 23:17) to create; to acquire, own; to take possession. R. Hash. 31a (ref. to Ps. 24 recited in the Temple on the first day of the week) על שם שק׳ והקנהוכ׳ because he (the Lord in establishing the world) took possession and gave (his creatures) possession (invested them with a fief), and became the sovereign of the world. Kidd.I, 1 האשה קוֹנָה את עצמהוכ׳ a wife acquires herself (becomes independent) when she receives her divorce Ib. 20a כל הקוֹנֶה … כקונהוכ׳ whoever buys a Hebrew bondman creates, as it were, a master over himself. B. Mets.75b הקונה אדון לעצמו he who creates a master over himself, expl. תולה נכסיו בנכרי who (in order to evade obligations) hangs his property on a gentile (pretends to be merely the agent of a gentile); (another explan.) הכותב נכסיווכ׳ who transfers his property to his children during his lifetime. Gitt.37b sq. (ref. to Lev. 25:45) אתם קוֹנִיםוכ׳ you may buy (as a slave) one of them, but they cannot buy one of you, nor can they buy of one another. Ib. יכול לא יִקְנוּ זה את זה למעשה ידיו you may think, they cannot buy one another for the work (as long as the serf choses to be in the masters power); ולא הם קוֹנִים … לגופו they cannot buy of one another a bodily slave (who requires formal manumission to be a freeman). B. Mets.46b bot. מכור לי באלו ק׳ if one says, sell me (a certain object) for these (coins which I hold in my hand), he has bought (the sale is valid). Ib. IV, 1 הזהב קונהוכ׳, v. זָהָב. Ib. מעות הרעות קוֹנוֹתוכ׳ the delivery of cancelled coins effects the purchase of the valid coins. Ib. 47b מעות קונות the delivery of the purchasing money gives possession (no formal possession of the purchased object (מְשִׁיכָה) being required). Kidd.22b הגבהה קונה lifting up the purchased object makes the sale binding; a. v. fr. 2) to make sure; to obligate a person by a special symbolical act (קִנְיָן); to enter into an obligation by a special symbolical form. Gitt.51a בשקָנוּ מידו when they (the court, witnesses) made him obligate himself (that his widow should receive support from his estate); בשקנו לזו ולא קנו לזו when such an obligation was entered with reference to this (his wifes case), but not with reference to that (his daughters case). B. Mets.47a במה קונין … בכליו של קונה wherewith is the bargain made sure?… By handing over one of the garments (or any object) belonging to the purchaser; דניחא ליה לקונה דליהוי מקנה קונהוכ׳ for the purchaser likes the seller to obligate himself, in order that he may be sure to give him possession; a. fr.Ib. 48b when he said to him, ערבוני יָקוּן (fr. קון = קנה) my earnest money shall serve to make the purchase sure.Part. pass. קָנוּי; f. קְנוּיָה; pl. קְנוּיִים, קְנוּיִין; קְנוּיוֹת. Kidd.16a עבד עברי גופו ק׳ והרבוכ׳ a Hebrew bondman is owned bodily (to the end of his term), and if the master allowed him a reduction of his time, his allowance is not legally binding (the slave not being able to acquire himself); ib. 28a; B. Kam. 113b. Gen. R. s. 86 (ref. to Gen. 39:1) הקנויין קונין וכלוכ׳ as a rule those who are owned make themselves owners (slaves enrich themselves by robbing their master), and all slaves cause decrease to their masters house, but in this case ‘the Lord blessed (ib. 5); Yalk. ib. 145 הקונין קונין (corr. acc.); a. fr.Tosef.Ned.IV, 6 קונם … שאני קנוי the axe of which I am possessed be forbidden (v. קוֹנָם), i. e. I swear that I have no axe; Ned.35a (Rashi שאינו ק׳ I swear that another axe is not owned by me).Y.Peah IV, 18b השעה קנויה, read: פְּנוּיָה, v. פָּנוּי. Nif. נִקְנֶה to be acquired, owned, bought. Kidd.20a (ref. to Lev. 25:14) דבר הנ׳ מיד ליד this refers to what is bought from hand to hand (movable goods). Ib. I, 1 האשה נִקְנֵיתוכ׳ a wife can be acquired in three ways. Ib. 6b אין אשה נ׳ בחליפין a wife cannot be taken possession of by symbolical delivery (חֲלִיפִין). Ib. I, 3 עבד כנעני נ׳ בכסףוכ׳ a Canaanite slave is taken possession of (is considered owned) either by delivery of the purchasing money, or by a deed, or by undisturbed possession (חֲזָקָה). Ib. 5 נכסים שיש … נִקְנִיןוכ׳ landed property is acquired by means of handing over the money, but movables cannot be acquired otherwise than by taking hold (מְשִׁיכָה). Ib. 22b תִּקָּנֶה בביאח let her be acquired (become his slave) by coition; a. fr. Hif. הִקְנָה to give possession, sell, transfer. R. Hash. l. c., v. supra. Snh.81b ולמַקְנוֹ, v. קוֹנֶה. Keth.82b אשה הִקְנוּ לווכ׳ it is heaven that gave him a wife (through his brothers death without issue); Yeb.39a. B. Mets.47a בכליו של מַקְנֶה, v. supra. Ib. 33b, a. fr. אין אדם מקנה דברוכ׳ none can give possession of (sell) what does not yet exist (future crops); a. fr.Esth. R. introd. (ref. to Deut. 28:68 sq.) למה ואין קונה …ע״י שלא הִקְנִיתֶם אלהוכ׳ why ‘no purchaser?… Because you have not transmitted ‘these words of the covenant, for there is none among you making the five books of the Law his own (v. קוֹנֶה).

    Jewish literature > קני

  • 9 קנה

    קני, קָנָה(b. h.) ( to estabIish, 1) (cmp. קום, Gen. 23:17) to create; to acquire, own; to take possession. R. Hash. 31a (ref. to Ps. 24 recited in the Temple on the first day of the week) על שם שק׳ והקנהוכ׳ because he (the Lord in establishing the world) took possession and gave (his creatures) possession (invested them with a fief), and became the sovereign of the world. Kidd.I, 1 האשה קוֹנָה את עצמהוכ׳ a wife acquires herself (becomes independent) when she receives her divorce Ib. 20a כל הקוֹנֶה … כקונהוכ׳ whoever buys a Hebrew bondman creates, as it were, a master over himself. B. Mets.75b הקונה אדון לעצמו he who creates a master over himself, expl. תולה נכסיו בנכרי who (in order to evade obligations) hangs his property on a gentile (pretends to be merely the agent of a gentile); (another explan.) הכותב נכסיווכ׳ who transfers his property to his children during his lifetime. Gitt.37b sq. (ref. to Lev. 25:45) אתם קוֹנִיםוכ׳ you may buy (as a slave) one of them, but they cannot buy one of you, nor can they buy of one another. Ib. יכול לא יִקְנוּ זה את זה למעשה ידיו you may think, they cannot buy one another for the work (as long as the serf choses to be in the masters power); ולא הם קוֹנִים … לגופו they cannot buy of one another a bodily slave (who requires formal manumission to be a freeman). B. Mets.46b bot. מכור לי באלו ק׳ if one says, sell me (a certain object) for these (coins which I hold in my hand), he has bought (the sale is valid). Ib. IV, 1 הזהב קונהוכ׳, v. זָהָב. Ib. מעות הרעות קוֹנוֹתוכ׳ the delivery of cancelled coins effects the purchase of the valid coins. Ib. 47b מעות קונות the delivery of the purchasing money gives possession (no formal possession of the purchased object (מְשִׁיכָה) being required). Kidd.22b הגבהה קונה lifting up the purchased object makes the sale binding; a. v. fr. 2) to make sure; to obligate a person by a special symbolical act (קִנְיָן); to enter into an obligation by a special symbolical form. Gitt.51a בשקָנוּ מידו when they (the court, witnesses) made him obligate himself (that his widow should receive support from his estate); בשקנו לזו ולא קנו לזו when such an obligation was entered with reference to this (his wifes case), but not with reference to that (his daughters case). B. Mets.47a במה קונין … בכליו של קונה wherewith is the bargain made sure?… By handing over one of the garments (or any object) belonging to the purchaser; דניחא ליה לקונה דליהוי מקנה קונהוכ׳ for the purchaser likes the seller to obligate himself, in order that he may be sure to give him possession; a. fr.Ib. 48b when he said to him, ערבוני יָקוּן (fr. קון = קנה) my earnest money shall serve to make the purchase sure.Part. pass. קָנוּי; f. קְנוּיָה; pl. קְנוּיִים, קְנוּיִין; קְנוּיוֹת. Kidd.16a עבד עברי גופו ק׳ והרבוכ׳ a Hebrew bondman is owned bodily (to the end of his term), and if the master allowed him a reduction of his time, his allowance is not legally binding (the slave not being able to acquire himself); ib. 28a; B. Kam. 113b. Gen. R. s. 86 (ref. to Gen. 39:1) הקנויין קונין וכלוכ׳ as a rule those who are owned make themselves owners (slaves enrich themselves by robbing their master), and all slaves cause decrease to their masters house, but in this case ‘the Lord blessed (ib. 5); Yalk. ib. 145 הקונין קונין (corr. acc.); a. fr.Tosef.Ned.IV, 6 קונם … שאני קנוי the axe of which I am possessed be forbidden (v. קוֹנָם), i. e. I swear that I have no axe; Ned.35a (Rashi שאינו ק׳ I swear that another axe is not owned by me).Y.Peah IV, 18b השעה קנויה, read: פְּנוּיָה, v. פָּנוּי. Nif. נִקְנֶה to be acquired, owned, bought. Kidd.20a (ref. to Lev. 25:14) דבר הנ׳ מיד ליד this refers to what is bought from hand to hand (movable goods). Ib. I, 1 האשה נִקְנֵיתוכ׳ a wife can be acquired in three ways. Ib. 6b אין אשה נ׳ בחליפין a wife cannot be taken possession of by symbolical delivery (חֲלִיפִין). Ib. I, 3 עבד כנעני נ׳ בכסףוכ׳ a Canaanite slave is taken possession of (is considered owned) either by delivery of the purchasing money, or by a deed, or by undisturbed possession (חֲזָקָה). Ib. 5 נכסים שיש … נִקְנִיןוכ׳ landed property is acquired by means of handing over the money, but movables cannot be acquired otherwise than by taking hold (מְשִׁיכָה). Ib. 22b תִּקָּנֶה בביאח let her be acquired (become his slave) by coition; a. fr. Hif. הִקְנָה to give possession, sell, transfer. R. Hash. l. c., v. supra. Snh.81b ולמַקְנוֹ, v. קוֹנֶה. Keth.82b אשה הִקְנוּ לווכ׳ it is heaven that gave him a wife (through his brothers death without issue); Yeb.39a. B. Mets.47a בכליו של מַקְנֶה, v. supra. Ib. 33b, a. fr. אין אדם מקנה דברוכ׳ none can give possession of (sell) what does not yet exist (future crops); a. fr.Esth. R. introd. (ref. to Deut. 28:68 sq.) למה ואין קונה …ע״י שלא הִקְנִיתֶם אלהוכ׳ why ‘no purchaser?… Because you have not transmitted ‘these words of the covenant, for there is none among you making the five books of the Law his own (v. קוֹנֶה).

    Jewish literature > קנה

  • 10 קָנָה

    קני, קָנָה(b. h.) ( to estabIish, 1) (cmp. קום, Gen. 23:17) to create; to acquire, own; to take possession. R. Hash. 31a (ref. to Ps. 24 recited in the Temple on the first day of the week) על שם שק׳ והקנהוכ׳ because he (the Lord in establishing the world) took possession and gave (his creatures) possession (invested them with a fief), and became the sovereign of the world. Kidd.I, 1 האשה קוֹנָה את עצמהוכ׳ a wife acquires herself (becomes independent) when she receives her divorce Ib. 20a כל הקוֹנֶה … כקונהוכ׳ whoever buys a Hebrew bondman creates, as it were, a master over himself. B. Mets.75b הקונה אדון לעצמו he who creates a master over himself, expl. תולה נכסיו בנכרי who (in order to evade obligations) hangs his property on a gentile (pretends to be merely the agent of a gentile); (another explan.) הכותב נכסיווכ׳ who transfers his property to his children during his lifetime. Gitt.37b sq. (ref. to Lev. 25:45) אתם קוֹנִיםוכ׳ you may buy (as a slave) one of them, but they cannot buy one of you, nor can they buy of one another. Ib. יכול לא יִקְנוּ זה את זה למעשה ידיו you may think, they cannot buy one another for the work (as long as the serf choses to be in the masters power); ולא הם קוֹנִים … לגופו they cannot buy of one another a bodily slave (who requires formal manumission to be a freeman). B. Mets.46b bot. מכור לי באלו ק׳ if one says, sell me (a certain object) for these (coins which I hold in my hand), he has bought (the sale is valid). Ib. IV, 1 הזהב קונהוכ׳, v. זָהָב. Ib. מעות הרעות קוֹנוֹתוכ׳ the delivery of cancelled coins effects the purchase of the valid coins. Ib. 47b מעות קונות the delivery of the purchasing money gives possession (no formal possession of the purchased object (מְשִׁיכָה) being required). Kidd.22b הגבהה קונה lifting up the purchased object makes the sale binding; a. v. fr. 2) to make sure; to obligate a person by a special symbolical act (קִנְיָן); to enter into an obligation by a special symbolical form. Gitt.51a בשקָנוּ מידו when they (the court, witnesses) made him obligate himself (that his widow should receive support from his estate); בשקנו לזו ולא קנו לזו when such an obligation was entered with reference to this (his wifes case), but not with reference to that (his daughters case). B. Mets.47a במה קונין … בכליו של קונה wherewith is the bargain made sure?… By handing over one of the garments (or any object) belonging to the purchaser; דניחא ליה לקונה דליהוי מקנה קונהוכ׳ for the purchaser likes the seller to obligate himself, in order that he may be sure to give him possession; a. fr.Ib. 48b when he said to him, ערבוני יָקוּן (fr. קון = קנה) my earnest money shall serve to make the purchase sure.Part. pass. קָנוּי; f. קְנוּיָה; pl. קְנוּיִים, קְנוּיִין; קְנוּיוֹת. Kidd.16a עבד עברי גופו ק׳ והרבוכ׳ a Hebrew bondman is owned bodily (to the end of his term), and if the master allowed him a reduction of his time, his allowance is not legally binding (the slave not being able to acquire himself); ib. 28a; B. Kam. 113b. Gen. R. s. 86 (ref. to Gen. 39:1) הקנויין קונין וכלוכ׳ as a rule those who are owned make themselves owners (slaves enrich themselves by robbing their master), and all slaves cause decrease to their masters house, but in this case ‘the Lord blessed (ib. 5); Yalk. ib. 145 הקונין קונין (corr. acc.); a. fr.Tosef.Ned.IV, 6 קונם … שאני קנוי the axe of which I am possessed be forbidden (v. קוֹנָם), i. e. I swear that I have no axe; Ned.35a (Rashi שאינו ק׳ I swear that another axe is not owned by me).Y.Peah IV, 18b השעה קנויה, read: פְּנוּיָה, v. פָּנוּי. Nif. נִקְנֶה to be acquired, owned, bought. Kidd.20a (ref. to Lev. 25:14) דבר הנ׳ מיד ליד this refers to what is bought from hand to hand (movable goods). Ib. I, 1 האשה נִקְנֵיתוכ׳ a wife can be acquired in three ways. Ib. 6b אין אשה נ׳ בחליפין a wife cannot be taken possession of by symbolical delivery (חֲלִיפִין). Ib. I, 3 עבד כנעני נ׳ בכסףוכ׳ a Canaanite slave is taken possession of (is considered owned) either by delivery of the purchasing money, or by a deed, or by undisturbed possession (חֲזָקָה). Ib. 5 נכסים שיש … נִקְנִיןוכ׳ landed property is acquired by means of handing over the money, but movables cannot be acquired otherwise than by taking hold (מְשִׁיכָה). Ib. 22b תִּקָּנֶה בביאח let her be acquired (become his slave) by coition; a. fr. Hif. הִקְנָה to give possession, sell, transfer. R. Hash. l. c., v. supra. Snh.81b ולמַקְנוֹ, v. קוֹנֶה. Keth.82b אשה הִקְנוּ לווכ׳ it is heaven that gave him a wife (through his brothers death without issue); Yeb.39a. B. Mets.47a בכליו של מַקְנֶה, v. supra. Ib. 33b, a. fr. אין אדם מקנה דברוכ׳ none can give possession of (sell) what does not yet exist (future crops); a. fr.Esth. R. introd. (ref. to Deut. 28:68 sq.) למה ואין קונה …ע״י שלא הִקְנִיתֶם אלהוכ׳ why ‘no purchaser?… Because you have not transmitted ‘these words of the covenant, for there is none among you making the five books of the Law his own (v. קוֹנֶה).

    Jewish literature > קָנָה

  • 11 show

    1. noun
    1) (display) Pracht, die

    a show of flowers/colour — eine Blumen-/Farbenpracht

    show of force/strength — etc. Demonstration der Macht/Stärke usw.

    2) (exhibition) Ausstellung, die; Schau, die

    dog show — Hundeschau, die

    3) (entertainment, performance) Show, die; (Theatre) Vorstellung, die; (Radio, Telev.) [Unterhaltungs]sendung, die; see also academic.ru/70491/steal">steal 1. 1)
    4) (coll.): (effort)

    put up a good/poor show — eine gute/schlechte Figur machen

    good show!gut [gemacht]!

    5) (coll.): (undertaking, business)

    it's his shower ist der Boss (ugs.)

    give the [whole] show away — alles ausquatschen (salopp)

    6) (outward appearance) Anschein, der

    make or put on a [great] show of doing something — sich (Dat.) [angestrengt] den Anschein geben, etwas zu tun

    do something just for showetwas nur aus Prestigegründen tun

    2. transitive verb,
    p.p. shown or showed
    1) (allow or cause to be seen) zeigen; vorzeigen [Pass, Fahrschein usw.]

    show somebody something, show something to somebody — jemandem etwas zeigen

    have nothing/something to show for it — [dabei] nichts/etwas zum Vorzeigen haben

    this material does not show the dirtauf diesem Material sieht man den Schmutz nicht; see also colour 1. 5); sign 1. 5)

    2) (manifest, give evidence of) zeigen; beweisen [Mut, Entschlossenheit, Urteilsvermögen usw.]

    he is showing his ageman sieht ihm sein Alter an


    show [somebody] kindness/mercy — freundlich [zu jemandem] sein/Erbarmen [mit jemandem] haben

    show mercy on or to somebody — Erbarmen mit jemandem haben

    4) (indicate) zeigen [Gefühl, Freude usw.]; [Thermometer, Uhr usw.:] anzeigen

    as shown in the illustrationwie die Abbildung zeigt

    the firm shows a profit/loss — die Firma macht Gewinn/Verlust

    5) (demonstrate, prove) zeigen

    show somebody that... — jemandem beweisen, dass...

    it all/just goes to show that... — das beweist nur, dass...

    it all goes to show, doesn't it? — das beweist es doch, oder?

    I'll show you/him etc.! — ich werd's dir/ihm usw. schon zeigen!

    show somebody who's boss — jemandem zeigen, wer das Sagen hat

    6) (conduct) führen

    show somebody over or round the house/to his place — jemanden durchs Haus/an seinen Platz führen

    3. intransitive verb,
    p.p. shown or showed
    1) (be visible) sichtbar od. zu sehen sein

    he was angry/bored, and it showed — er war wütend/langweilte sich, und man sah es [ihm an]

    2) (be shown) [Film:] laufen; [Künstler:] ausstellen

    "Gandhi" - now showing in the West End — "Gandhi" - Jetzt im West End

    3) (make something known)

    time will show — man wird es [ja] sehen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    [ʃəu] 1. past tense - showed; verb
    1) (to allow or cause to be seen: Show me your new dress; Please show your membership card when you come to the club; His work is showing signs of improvement.) zeigen
    2) (to be able to be seen: The tear in your dress hardly shows; a faint light showing through the curtains.) sich sehen lassen
    3) (to offer or display, or to be offered or displayed, for the public to look at: Which picture is showing at the cinema?; They are showing a new film; His paintings are being shown at the art gallery.) zeigen
    4) (to point out or point to: He showed me the road to take; Show me the man you saw yesterday.) zeigen
    5) ((often with (a)round) to guide or conduct: Please show this lady to the door; They showed him (a)round (the factory).) zeigen
    6) (to demonstrate to: Will you show me how to do it?; He showed me a clever trick.) zeigen
    7) (to prove: That just shows / goes to show how stupid he is.) zeigen
    8) (to give or offer (someone) kindness etc: He showed him no mercy.) erweisen
    2. noun
    1) (an entertainment, public exhibition, performance etc: a horse-show; a flower show; the new show at the theatre; a TV show.) die Schau
    2) (a display or act of showing: a show of strength.) zur Schau stellen
    3) (an act of pretending to be, do etc (something): He made a show of working, but he wasn't really concentrating.) der Schein
    4) (appearance, impression: They just did it for show, in order to make themselves seem more important than they are.) die Schau
    5) (an effort or attempt: He put up a good show in the chess competition.) der Eindruck
    - showy
    - showiness
    - show-business
    - showcase
    - showdown
    - showground
    - show-jumping
    - showman
    - showroom
    - give the show away
    - good show! - on show
    - show off
    - show up
    * * *
    [ʃəʊ, AM ʃoʊ]
    I. NOUN
    1. (showing) Bekundung f geh, Demonstration f geh
    those members who had made the most open \shows of defiance surprisingly abstained diejenigen Mitglieder, die ihre Ablehnung am deutlichsten bekundet hatten, enthielten sich überraschenderweise der Stimme
    his refusal was a childish \show of defiance seine Weigerung war eine kindische Trotzreaktion
    \show of force Machtdemonstration f geh
    \show of kindness Geste f der Freundlichkeit
    \show of solidarity Solidaritätsbekundung f geh
    \show of strength/unity Demonstration f der Stärke/Einigkeit geh
    the troops paraded in a \show of strength through the capital die Truppen marschierten durch die Hauptstadt, um ihre Stärke zu demonstrieren
    despite their public \show of unity they are close to getting divorced obwohl sie nach außen hin Einigkeit demonstrieren, stehen sie kurz vor der Scheidung
    2. no pl (display, impression) Schau f
    just [or only] for \show nur der Schau wegen
    are those lights just for \show? sollen die Lichter nur Eindruck machen?
    to make a \show of sth etw zur Schau stellen
    he really made a \show of accepting the award ( fam) er hat bei der Entgegennahme des Preises die große Show [o eine Show] abgezogen fam
    3. no pl (impressive sight) Pracht f, Schauspiel nt geh
    a \show of colour/flowers eine Farben-/Blumenpracht
    4. (exhibition, event) Schau f, Ausstellung f
    dog/fashion \show Hunde-/Modenschau f
    retrospective \show Retrospektive f
    slide \show Diavorführung f, Diavortrag m
    to be on \show ausgestellt sein
    5. (entertainment) Show f; (on TV also) Unterhaltungssendung f; (at a theatre) Vorstellung f, Vorführung f
    puppet \show Puppenspiel nt, Marionettentheater nt
    quiz \show Quizsendung f, Quizshow f
    radio/stage \show Radio-/Bühnenshow f
    talent \show Talentwettbewerb m
    to stage a \show eine Show auf die Bühne bringen
    6. no pl ( fam: activity, affair) Sache f; (undertaking) Laden m fig fam; (situation) Situation f
    who will run the \show when she retires? wer wird den Laden schmeißen, wenn sie in Pension geht? fam
    she prefers to be in charge of her own \show sie zieht es vor, unabhängig schalten und walten zu können
    how did she run the \show when the company threatened legal action? wie hat sie die Angelegenheit geregelt, als die Firma mit rechtlichen Schritten drohte?
    I didn't like how he ran the \show during the strike mir hat es nicht gefallen, wie er mit der Situation während des Streiks umgegangen ist
    it's her [own] \show sie ist hier der Boss [o hat hier das Sagen] fam
    who is running the \show?, whose \show is it? wer ist hier der Boss [o hat hier das Sagen]? fam
    the wedding is their \show, let them do it their way es ist ihre Sache [zu entscheiden], wie ihre Hochzeit ablaufen soll
    the \show die Baseballoberliga
    bad [or poor] /good \show! ( dated fam) schwache Leistung!/gut [gemacht]!
    let's get the [or this] \show on the road ( fam) lasst uns die Sache [endlich] in Angriff nehmen
    the \show must go on ( saying) die Show muss weitergehen
    \show of hands [Abstimmung f per] Handzeichen nt
    let me see a \show of hands bitte mal die Hand hochheben
    let's have a \show of hands lass uns per Hand abstimmen
    by [or on] a \show of hands durch Handzeichen
    to make [or put on] a \show eine Schau abziehen fam
    to make [or put on] a \show of doing sth vortäuschen, etw zu tun
    they put on a \show of being interested sie taten so als seien sie interessiert, sie täuschten Interesse vor
    to put on [or up] a good \show sich akk bemühen, Einsatz zeigen
    <showed, shown or showed>
    1. (display, project)
    to \show [sb] sth [jdm] etw zeigen; (exhibit)
    to \show sth etw ausstellen; (perform)
    to \show sth etw vorführen; (produce)
    to \show sth etw vorzeigen
    don't ever \show yourself here again! lass dich hier ja nie wieder blicken!
    the photos \show them kissing and cuddling die Fotos zeigen sie küssend und in liebevoller Umarmung
    to \show sb one's ability jdm seine Fähigkeiten vorführen
    to \show a film einen Film zeigen [o fam bringen]
    this film has never been \shown on television dieser Film kam noch nie im Fernsehen
    to \show a flag eine Flagge hissen
    to \show one's passport at the border seinen Pass an der Grenze vorzeigen
    to \show sb one's ticket jdm seine Fahrkarte [vor]zeigen
    to \show slides Dias vorführen [o zeigen]
    to \show the time die Uhrzeit anzeigen
    to \show one's work ART [seine Arbeiten] ausstellen
    his paintings will be \shown in the National Gallery until May seine Bilder sind bis Mai in der Nationalgalerie zu sehen
    2. (expose)
    to \show sth etw sehen lassen
    your blouse is \showing your bra durch deine Bluse kann man deinen BH sehen
    this carpet \shows all the dirt bei dem Teppich kann man jedes bisschen Schmutz sehen
    3. (reveal)
    to \show sth etw zeigen [o erkennen lassen]
    he started to \show his age man begann, ihm sein Alter anzusehen
    he \showed no signs of improvement er zeigte keinerlei Besserung
    to \show courage/initiative/common sense Mut/Unternehmungsgeist/gesunden Menschenverstand beweisen
    to \show genius/originality Genie/Originalität beweisen
    to \show promise viel versprechend sein
    4. (express)
    to \show sth etw zeigen
    to \show a bias/enthusiasm for sth eine Vorliebe/Begeisterung für etw akk zeigen
    to \show clemency Milde walten lassen
    to \show compassion [for sb] [mit jdm] Mitleid haben
    to \show compunction Gewissensbisse haben
    to \show [sb] one's gratitude sich akk [jdm gegenüber] dankbar erweisen [o zeigen]
    to \show sb respect jdm Respekt erweisen
    you have to \show more respect du solltest mehr Respekt zeigen
    5. (point out, indicate)
    to \show sth [to sb] [jdm] etw zeigen; (represent)
    to \show sth etw darstellen
    the map \shows where her house is auf der Karte ist ihr Haus zu sehen
    this map \shows urban areas in grey auf dieser Karte sind die Stadtgebiete grau dargestellt
    it's \showing signs of rain es sieht nach Regen aus
    6. (explain)
    to \show sb sth jdm etw zeigen [o erklären]
    to \show sb the way jdm den Weg zeigen
    7. (record)
    to \show sth etw anzeigen; statistics etw [auf]zeigen
    to \show a loss/profit einen Verlust/Gewinn aufweisen
    to \show sth etw beweisen
    to \show cause LAW seine Gründe vorbringen
    order to \show cause gerichtliche Verfügung
    to \show one's mettle zeigen, was in einem steckt
    to \show sb that... jdm zeigen [o beweisen], dass...
    to \show [sb] how/why... [jdm] zeigen, wie/warum...
    to \show oneself [to be] sth sich akk als etw erweisen
    9. (escort)
    to \show sb into/out of/to sth jdn in etw akk /aus/zu etw dat führen [o bringen]
    to \show sb over [or AM usu around] a place jdm einen Ort zeigen
    they \showed us over the estate sie führten uns auf dem Anwesen herum
    to \show one's cards [or hand] seine Karten aufdecken fig
    to \show sb the door jdm die Tür weisen
    to dare [to] \show one's face es wagen, aufzukreuzen fam
    he won't dare to \show his face here again er wird es nie wieder wagen, hier aufzukreuzen fam
    to have nothing to \show for it [or for one's efforts] [am Ende] nichts vorzuweisen haben
    five years in the job, and what have you got to \show for it? du machst diesen Job nun schon seit fünf Jahren, und was hast du nun von all der Mühe?
    to \show [sb] no quarter ( liter) [mit jdm] kein Erbarmen haben
    to \show one's teeth die Zähne zeigen fig fam
    to \show one's true colours Farbe bekennen
    to \show the way [forward] den Weg weisen fig
    that will \show you/her ( fam) das wird dir/ihr eine Lehre sein
    <showed, shown or showed>
    1. (be visible) zu sehen sein
    the trees \show blue on these photographs die Bäume erscheinen auf diesen Fotos blau
    she's four months pregnant and starting to \show sie ist im vierten Monat schwanger und allmählich sieht man es auch
    to let sth \show sich dat etw anmerken lassen
    2. esp AM, AUS ( fam: arrive) auftauchen, aufkreuzen fam
    3. (be shown) film gezeigt werden, laufen fam
    now \showing at a cinema near you! jetzt im Kino!
    4. (exhibit) ausstellen
    5. AM (come third in horse racing) Dritte(r) f(m) werden
    * * *
    [ʃəʊ] vb: pret showed, ptp shown
    1. n

    (= display) a fine show of roses — eine Rosenpracht

    show of handsHandzeichen nt, Hand(er)heben nt

    2) (= outward appearance) Schau f; (= trace) Spur f; (of hatred, affection) Kundgebung f

    to make a great show of being impressed/overworked/pleased — sich (dat) ganz den Anschein geben, beeindruckt/überarbeitet/erfreut zu sein

    without any show of emotion —

    3) (= exhibition) Ausstellung f

    dog/fashion show — Hunde-/Modenschau f

    4) (THEAT) Aufführung f; (TV, VARIETY OR POP SHOW) Show f; (RAD) Sendung f; (FILM) Vorstellung f

    to go to a show ( esp Brit : in theatre )ins Theater gehen; ( US : in movie theater ) ins Kino gehen

    5) (esp Brit inf)

    (jolly) good show! (dated) bad show! (dated) (= what a pity) — ausgezeichnet!, bravo! schwaches Bild (inf) so ein Pech!

    to put up a good/poor show —

    it's a pretty poor show when... — das ist vielleicht traurig or ein schwaches Bild (inf), wenn...

    6) (inf: undertaking, organization) Laden m (inf)

    to give the ( whole) show away — alles verraten

    2. vt
    1) (= display) zeigen; (COMPUT) anzeigen; (at exhibition) ausstellen, zeigen; (= demonstrate) dog vorführen; slides, film zeigen, vorführen; passport, ticket vorzeigen

    to show sb sth, to show sth to sb — jdm etw zeigen

    show me how to do it — zeigen Sie mir, wie man das macht

    he had nothing to show for iter hatte am Ende nichts vorzuweisen

    hand, heel
    2) (= register) (an)zeigen; loss, profit haben, verzeichnen; rise in numbers aufzeigen; (thermometer, speedometer) stehen auf (+dat); (calendar) zeigen

    it shows that... — es zeigt, dass...

    the dial will show red if... — der Zeiger zeigt auf Rot, wenn...

    3) (= indicate) zeigen; (= prove) beweisen; kindness, favour erweisen; courage zeigen, beweisen; loyalty, taste, tact, intelligence beweisen; respect bezeigen; proof erbringen

    this shows him to be a thief —

    I hope I have shown how silly it is — ich habe hoffentlich (auf)gezeigt, wie dumm das ist

    it all or just goes to show that... — das zeigt doch nur, dass...

    4) (= reveal) zeigen

    it showed signs of having been used — man sah, dass es gebraucht worden war

    show a leg! ( Brit inf )raus aus den Federn! (inf)

    5) (= direct) zeigen

    to show sb in/out — jdn hereinbringen/hinausbringen or -begleiten

    to show sb out of a room — jdn hinausbegleiten, jdn aus dem Zimmer begleiten

    to show sb into a room — jdn hereinbringen, jdn ins Zimmer bringen

    to show sb to his seat/to the door — jdn an seinen Platz/an die or zur Tür bringen

    they were shown over or (a)round the factory — ihnen wurde die Fabrik gezeigt, sie wurden in der Fabrik herumgeführt

    3. vi
    1) (= be visible) zu sehen sein, sichtbar sein; (petticoat etc) vorsehen, rausgucken (inf); (film) gezeigt werden, laufen; (= exhibit artist) ausstellen

    the pregnancy or she is now beginning to show — man sieht or merkt jetzt allmählich, dass sie schwanger ist

    to show through —


    (= prove) it just goes to show! — da sieht mans mal wieder!

    4. vr

    he showed himself to be a coward —

    * * *
    show [ʃəʊ]
    A s
    1. (Her)Zeigen n:
    vote by show of hands durch Handzeichen wählen;
    show of teeth Zähnefletschen n
    2. Show f, Schau f, Zurschaustellung f:
    a show of force fig eine Demonstration der Macht
    3. (künstlerische etc) Darbietung, Vorführung f, Vorstellung f, Show f, Schau f:
    put on a show fig eine Schau abziehen, sich aufspielen;
    steal the show fig (jemandem) die Schau stehlen
    4. umg (Theater-, Film)Vorstellung f
    5. Show f, Schau f, Ausstellung f:
    on show ausgestellt, zu besichtigen(d)
    6. (Radio-, Fernseh)Sendung f
    7. (prunkvoller) Umzug
    8. fig Schauspiel n, Anblick m:
    make a sorry show einen traurigen Eindruck hinterlassen;
    make a good show eine gute Figur machen umg
    9. umg gute etc Leistung:
    good show! gut gemacht!, bravo!
    10. Protzerei f, Angeberei f (beide umg):
    for show um Eindruck zu machen, (nur) fürs Auge;
    be fond of show gern großtun
    11. (leerer) Schein:
    in outward show nach außen (hin);
    make a show of interest Interesse heucheln, sich interessiert geben;
    make a show of rage sich wütend stellen
    12. Spur f, Anzeichen n
    13. (Zirkus-, Theater) Truppe f
    14. umg Chance f:
    15. besonders Br umg Laden m, Sache f:
    a dull (poor) show eine langweilige (armselige) Sache;
    run the show den Laden oder die Sache schmeißen;
    give the (whole) show away sich oder alles verraten
    16. Pferderennen etc: dritter Platz
    B v/t prät showed, pperf shown, showed
    1. zeigen, sehen lassen, seinen Ausweis, seine Fahrkarte etc auch vorzeigen, -weisen:
    show o.s.
    a) auch show one’s face sich zeigen, sich sehen oder blicken lassen
    b) fig sich grausam etc zeigen, sich erweisen als;
    I’ll show him! der soll mich kennenlernen!;
    never show your face again! lass dich hier nie wieder blicken!;
    “not shown” (in Katalogen etc) „ohne Abbildung“; card1 1 a, etc
    2. jemandem zeigen oder erklären ( how to do sth wie man etwas tut):
    show sb how to write jemandem das Schreiben beibringen
    3. sein Wissen etc an den Tag legen, zeigen
    4. Katzen etc ausstellen, auf einer Ausstellung zeigen
    5. zeigen:
    a) THEAT etc vorführen
    b) TV bringen
    6. jemanden ins Zimmer etc führen, geleiten, bringen:
    show sb about ( oder [a]round) the town jemandem die Stadt zeigen, jemanden in der Stadt herumführen;
    show sb over the house jemanden durch das Haus führen;
    show sb (a)round jemanden (herum)führen
    7. seine Absichten etc kundtun, offenbaren
    8. seine Pläne etc (auf)zeigen, darlegen
    9. zeigen, beweisen:
    you’ll have to show me! umg das wirst du mir (erst) beweisen müssen!
    10. JUR nachweisen, vorbringen:
    show proof JUR den Beweis erbringen; cause A 4
    11. PHYS, TECH (an)zeigen:
    12. Gefühle zeigen, sich etwas anmerken lassen
    13. schlechten Geschmack etc zeigen, erkennen lassen, verraten
    14. jemandem eine Gunst etc erweisen:
    show sb gratitude sich jemandem gegenüber dankbar erweisen
    C v/i
    1. sichtbar werden oder sein, sich zeigen:
    the blood shows through her skin man sieht das Blut durch ihre Haut;
    it shows man sieht es; time A 1
    2. umg sich zeigen, erscheinen
    3. aussehen ( like wie):
    show to advantage vorteilhaft aussehen
    4. be showing gezeigt werden, laufen (Film)
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (display) Pracht, die

    a show of flowers/colour — eine Blumen-/Farbenpracht

    show of force/strength — etc. Demonstration der Macht/Stärke usw.

    2) (exhibition) Ausstellung, die; Schau, die

    dog show — Hundeschau, die

    3) (entertainment, performance) Show, die; (Theatre) Vorstellung, die; (Radio, Telev.) [Unterhaltungs]sendung, die; see also steal 1. 1)
    4) (coll.): (effort)

    put up a good/poor show — eine gute/schlechte Figur machen

    good show! — gut [gemacht]!

    5) (coll.): (undertaking, business)

    give the [whole] show away — alles ausquatschen (salopp)

    6) (outward appearance) Anschein, der

    make or put on a [great] show of doing something — sich (Dat.) [angestrengt] den Anschein geben, etwas zu tun

    2. transitive verb,
    p.p. shown or showed
    1) (allow or cause to be seen) zeigen; vorzeigen [Pass, Fahrschein usw.]

    show somebody something, show something to somebody — jemandem etwas zeigen

    have nothing/something to show for it — [dabei] nichts/etwas zum Vorzeigen haben

    this material does not show the dirt — auf diesem Material sieht man den Schmutz nicht; see also colour 1. 5); sign 1. 5)

    2) (manifest, give evidence of) zeigen; beweisen [Mut, Entschlossenheit, Urteilsvermögen usw.]

    show [somebody] kindness/mercy — freundlich [zu jemandem] sein/Erbarmen [mit jemandem] haben

    show mercy on or to somebody — Erbarmen mit jemandem haben

    4) (indicate) zeigen [Gefühl, Freude usw.]; [Thermometer, Uhr usw.:] anzeigen

    the firm shows a profit/loss — die Firma macht Gewinn/Verlust

    5) (demonstrate, prove) zeigen

    show somebody that... — jemandem beweisen, dass...

    it all/just goes to show that... — das beweist nur, dass...

    it all goes to show, doesn't it? — das beweist es doch, oder?

    I'll show you/him etc.! — ich werd's dir/ihm usw. schon zeigen!

    show somebody who's boss — jemandem zeigen, wer das Sagen hat

    6) (conduct) führen

    show somebody over or round the house/to his place — jemanden durchs Haus/an seinen Platz führen

    3. intransitive verb,
    p.p. shown or showed
    1) (be visible) sichtbar od. zu sehen sein

    he was angry/bored, and it showed — er war wütend/langweilte sich, und man sah es [ihm an]

    2) (be shown) [Film:] laufen; [Künstler:] ausstellen

    "Gandhi" - now showing in the West End — "Gandhi" - Jetzt im West End

    3) (make something known)

    time will show — man wird es [ja] sehen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (cinema) n.
    Vorstellung f. n.
    Ausstellung f.
    Schau -en f. v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: showed)
    or p.p.: shown•) = aufweisen v.
    aufzeigen v.
    ausstellen (auf einer Messe) v.
    vorführen v.
    vorweisen v.
    zeigen v.

    English-german dictionary > show

  • 12 Schau

    f; -, -en
    1. nur Sg.; TV show
    2. (Ausstellung) show, exhibition; zur Schau stellen (put on) display, exhibit; fig. (Gefühle etc.) display, parade; (Wissen) auch show off; etw. zur Schau tragen make a display of s.th.
    3. fig. (Effekt) big show; nur zur Schau only for show ( oder effect); eine Schau abziehen umg. put on a big show; mach keine Schau! umg. stop showing off; (stell dich nicht an) don’t make such a fuss; (tu nicht so) stop putting it on; alles an ihm ist Schau he’s all show, he does everything for effect; er macht auf Schau umg. he’s just a show-off; jemandem die Schau stehlen umg. steal the show from s.o., upstage s.o.; der Wagen ist eine Schau umg. the car’s something else
    * * *
    die Schau
    (Ausstellung) show; exhibition
    * * *
    f -, -en
    1) (= Vorführung) show; (= Ausstellung) show, display, exhibition

    zur Scháú gestellter Wohlstand — display of wealth

    sich zur Scháú stellen — to make a spectacle or exhibition of oneself

    etw zur Scháú tragen — to display sth

    2) (inf)

    eine Scháú abziehen — to put on a display or show

    das war eine Scháú! — that was really great or fantastic (inf)

    das ist nur Scháú — it's only show

    er macht nur (eine) Scháú — he's (only) putting it on

    jdm die Scháú stehlen or klauen — to steal the show from sb

    * * *
    1) (an entertainment etc intended to show the ability etc of those taking part: a dancing display.) display
    2) (an entertainment, public exhibition, performance etc: a horse-show; a flower show; the new show at the theatre; a TV show.) show
    3) (appearance, impression: They just did it for show, in order to make themselves seem more important than they are.) show
    * * *
    <-, -en>
    1. (Ausstellung) exhibition
    etw zur \Schau stellen to display [or to exhibit] sth, to put sth on display
    Emotionen/Gefühle zur \Schau tragen to make a show of one's emotions/feelings
    jdm [mit etw dat] die \Schau stehlen (fam) to steal the show from sb [with sb] fig; s.a. Show
    * * *
    die; Schau, Schauen
    1) (Ausstellung) exhibition

    eine Schau machen od. abziehen — (ugs.) (sich in Szene setzen) put on a show; (sich aufspielen) show off; (sich lautstark ereifern) make a scene or fuss


    jemanden/etwas zur Schau stellen — exhibit or display somebody/something; (fig.) display somebody/something

    * * *
    Schau f; -, -en
    1. nur sg; TV show
    2. (Ausstellung) show, exhibition;
    zur Schau stellen (put on) display, exhibit; fig (Gefühle etc) display, parade; (Wissen) auch show off;
    etwas zur Schau tragen make a display of sth
    3. fig (Effekt) big show;
    nur zur Schau only for show ( oder effect);
    eine Schau abziehen umg put on a big show;
    mach keine Schau! umg stop showing off; (stell dich nicht an) don’t make such a fuss; (tu nicht so) stop putting it on;
    alles an ihm ist Schau he’s all show, he does everything for effect;
    er macht auf Schau umg he’s just a show-off;
    jemandem die Schau stehlen umg steal the show from sb, upstage sb;
    der Wagen ist eine Schau umg the car’s something else
    * * *
    die; Schau, Schauen
    1) (Ausstellung) exhibition

    eine Schau machen od. abziehen — (ugs.) (sich in Szene setzen) put on a show; (sich aufspielen) show off; (sich lautstark ereifern) make a scene or fuss


    jemanden/etwas zur Schau stellen — exhibit or display somebody/something; (fig.) display somebody/something

    * * *
    -en f.
    show n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Schau

  • 13 invisible

    (not able to be seen: Only in stories can people make themselves invisible.) usynlig
    - invisibility
    * * *
    (not able to be seen: Only in stories can people make themselves invisible.) usynlig
    - invisibility

    English-Danish dictionary > invisible

  • 14 show

    [ʃəu] 1. past tense - showed; verb
    1) (to allow or cause to be seen: Show me your new dress; Please show your membership card when you come to the club; His work is showing signs of improvement.) vise
    2) (to be able to be seen: The tear in your dress hardly shows; a faint light showing through the curtains.) være synlig
    3) (to offer or display, or to be offered or displayed, for the public to look at: Which picture is showing at the cinema?; They are showing a new film; His paintings are being shown at the art gallery.) vise; spille; udstille
    4) (to point out or point to: He showed me the road to take; Show me the man you saw yesterday.) vise
    5) ((often with (a)round) to guide or conduct: Please show this lady to the door; They showed him (a)round (the factory).) følge
    6) (to demonstrate to: Will you show me how to do it?; He showed me a clever trick.) vise
    7) (to prove: That just shows / goes to show how stupid he is.) vise; bevise
    8) (to give or offer (someone) kindness etc: He showed him no mercy.) vise
    2. noun
    1) (an entertainment, public exhibition, performance etc: a horse-show; a flower show; the new show at the theatre; a TV show.) show; -show
    2) (a display or act of showing: a show of strength.) demonstration; -demonstration
    3) (an act of pretending to be, do etc (something): He made a show of working, but he wasn't really concentrating.) lade som om
    4) (appearance, impression: They just did it for show, in order to make themselves seem more important than they are.) for et syns skyld
    5) (an effort or attempt: He put up a good show in the chess competition.) forsøg
    - showiness
    - show-business
    - showcase
    - showdown
    - showground
    - show-jumping
    - showman
    - showroom
    - give the show away
    - good show!
    - on show
    - show off
    - show up
    * * *
    [ʃəu] 1. past tense - showed; verb
    1) (to allow or cause to be seen: Show me your new dress; Please show your membership card when you come to the club; His work is showing signs of improvement.) vise
    2) (to be able to be seen: The tear in your dress hardly shows; a faint light showing through the curtains.) være synlig
    3) (to offer or display, or to be offered or displayed, for the public to look at: Which picture is showing at the cinema?; They are showing a new film; His paintings are being shown at the art gallery.) vise; spille; udstille
    4) (to point out or point to: He showed me the road to take; Show me the man you saw yesterday.) vise
    5) ((often with (a)round) to guide or conduct: Please show this lady to the door; They showed him (a)round (the factory).) følge
    6) (to demonstrate to: Will you show me how to do it?; He showed me a clever trick.) vise
    7) (to prove: That just shows / goes to show how stupid he is.) vise; bevise
    8) (to give or offer (someone) kindness etc: He showed him no mercy.) vise
    2. noun
    1) (an entertainment, public exhibition, performance etc: a horse-show; a flower show; the new show at the theatre; a TV show.) show; -show
    2) (a display or act of showing: a show of strength.) demonstration; -demonstration
    3) (an act of pretending to be, do etc (something): He made a show of working, but he wasn't really concentrating.) lade som om
    4) (appearance, impression: They just did it for show, in order to make themselves seem more important than they are.) for et syns skyld
    5) (an effort or attempt: He put up a good show in the chess competition.) forsøg
    - showiness
    - show-business
    - showcase
    - showdown
    - showground
    - show-jumping
    - showman
    - showroom
    - give the show away
    - good show!
    - on show
    - show off
    - show up

    English-Danish dictionary > show

  • 15 embastecer

    1 to become corpulent.
    2 to become fat or gross.
    3 to grow stout, to grow fat.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ AGRADECER], like link=agradecer agradecer
    1 (engordar) to grow fat
    1 (ponerse basto) to become coarse
    * * *
    Ex. By shouting they may make themselves heard, but they also coarsen the quality of the sounds they produce, limiting the range and vocal color = Si gritan pueden hacerse oír, pero también embastecen la calidad de los sonidos que producen, limitando los rasgos de la voz y los tonos vocales.
    * * *

    Ex: By shouting they may make themselves heard, but they also coarsen the quality of the sounds they produce, limiting the range and vocal color = Si gritan pueden hacerse oír, pero también embastecen la calidad de los sonidos que producen, limitando los rasgos de la voz y los tonos vocales.

    Spanish-English dictionary > embastecer

  • 16 hacer basto

    to coarsen.
    * * *
    (v.) = coarsen
    Ex. By shouting they may make themselves heard, but they also coarsen the quality of the sounds they produce, limiting the range and vocal color = Si gritan pueden hacerse oír, pero también embastecen la calidad de los sonidos que producen, limitando los rasgos de la voz y los tonos vocales.
    * * *
    (v.) = coarsen

    Ex: By shouting they may make themselves heard, but they also coarsen the quality of the sounds they produce, limiting the range and vocal color = Si gritan pueden hacerse oír, pero también embastecen la calidad de los sonidos que producen, limitando los rasgos de la voz y los tonos vocales.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hacer basto

  • 17 hacer ordinario

    to coarsen.
    * * *
    (v.) = coarsen
    Ex. By shouting they may make themselves heard, but they also coarsen the quality of the sounds they produce, limiting the range and vocal color = Si gritan pueden hacerse oír, pero también embastecen la calidad de los sonidos que producen, limitando los rasgos de la voz y los tonos vocales.
    * * *
    (v.) = coarsen

    Ex: By shouting they may make themselves heard, but they also coarsen the quality of the sounds they produce, limiting the range and vocal color = Si gritan pueden hacerse oír, pero también embastecen la calidad de los sonidos que producen, limitando los rasgos de la voz y los tonos vocales.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hacer ordinario

  • 18 hacer tosco

    to coarsen.
    * * *
    (v.) = coarsen
    Ex. By shouting they may make themselves heard, but they also coarsen the quality of the sounds they produce, limiting the range and vocal color = Si gritan pueden hacerse oír, pero también embastecen la calidad de los sonidos que producen, limitando los rasgos de la voz y los tonos vocales.
    * * *
    (v.) = coarsen

    Ex: By shouting they may make themselves heard, but they also coarsen the quality of the sounds they produce, limiting the range and vocal color = Si gritan pueden hacerse oír, pero también embastecen la calidad de los sonidos que producen, limitando los rasgos de la voz y los tonos vocales.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hacer tosco

  • 19 unsichtbar

    Adj. invisible ( für to); sich unsichtbar machen im Märchen etc.: make o.s. invisible; umg., fig. (verschwinden) make o.s. scarce, disappear
    * * *
    invisible; unseen; viewless
    * * *
    adj (lit, fig)
    * * *
    2) (not able to be seen: Only in stories can people make themselves invisible.) invisible
    * * *
    adj invisible
    für das menschliche Auge \unsichtbar sein to be invisible to the human eye
    sich akk \unsichtbar machen (hum fam) to make oneself invisible
    \unsichtbare Transaktionen HANDEL invisible transactions
    * * *
    Adjektiv invisible ( für to)
    * * *
    unsichtbar adj invisible (
    für to);
    sich unsichtbar machen im Märchen etc: make o.s. invisible; umg, fig (verschwinden) make o.s. scarce, disappear
    * * *
    Adjektiv invisible ( für to)
    * * *
    hidden adj.
    indiscernible adj.
    invisible adj.
    unseen adj. adv.
    invisibly adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > unsichtbar

  • 20 show

    I [ʃəʊ]
    1) (as entertainment) spettacolo m. (anche teatr. cinem.); (particular performance) rappresentazione f.; rad. telev. trasmissione f.; (of slides) proiezione f.

    on with the show! (as introduction) lo spettacolo abbia inizio!

    2) comm. (of cars, boats etc.) salone m.; (of fashion) sfilata f.; (of flowers, crafts) mostra f.

    on show — esposto, in mostra

    3) (of feelings) prova f., dimostrazione f.; (of strength) dimostrazione f.; (of wealth) ostentazione f.

    to make o put on a (great) show of doing ostentare o fare sfoggio di (sapere) fare; he made a show of concern ostentava la sua preoccupazione; to be all show — essere solo apparenza, essere molto fumo e poco arrosto

    5) colloq. (business, undertaking)

    to steal the showteatr. rubare la scena; fig. monopolizzare l'attenzione

    II 1. [ʃəʊ]
    verbo transitivo (pass. showed; p.pass. shown)
    1) (present for viewing) mostrare [person, object, photo]; presentare [ fashion collection]; mostrare, fare vedere [ ticket]; [TV channel, cinema] dare [ film]

    to show sb. sth., sth. to sb. — mostrare qcs. a qcn

    2) (display competitively) fare sfilare [ animal]; esporre, mettere in mostra [ flowers]
    3) (reveal) mostrare [ feeling]; esporre [principle, fact]; [ garment] lasciare vedere [ underclothes]; [ patient] presentare [ symptoms]
    4) (indicate) indicare [time, direction]
    5) (demonstrate) [ reply] dimostrare, testimoniare [wit, intelligence]; [gesture, gift] dimostrare [respect, gratitude]
    6) (prove) dimostrare [truth, guilt]

    to show that — [ document] provare che; [ findings] dimostrare che; [ expression] mostrare che

    to show sb. to their seat — [host, usher] fare sedere qcn.

    to show sb. to their room, to the door — accompagnare qcn. in camera, alla porta

    I'll show him! (as revenge) gli faccio vedere io! (when challenged) gli farò vedere!

    verbo intransitivo (pass. showed; p.pass. shown)
    1) (be noticeable) [stain, label, emotion] vedersi
    2) (be exhibited) [ artist] esporre; [ film] passare

    show a leg!colloq. giù dal letto!

    to have nothing to show for sth. — restare con un pugno di mosche

    to show one's facecolloq. farsi vedere

    * * *
    [ʃəu] 1. past tense - showed; verb
    1) (to allow or cause to be seen: Show me your new dress; Please show your membership card when you come to the club; His work is showing signs of improvement.) mostrare
    2) (to be able to be seen: The tear in your dress hardly shows; a faint light showing through the curtains.) vedersi
    3) (to offer or display, or to be offered or displayed, for the public to look at: Which picture is showing at the cinema?; They are showing a new film; His paintings are being shown at the art gallery.) far vedere, presentare
    4) (to point out or point to: He showed me the road to take; Show me the man you saw yesterday.) mostrare
    5) ((often with (a)round) to guide or conduct: Please show this lady to the door; They showed him (a)round (the factory).) condurre, accompagnare
    6) (to demonstrate to: Will you show me how to do it?; He showed me a clever trick.) mostrare
    7) (to prove: That just shows / goes to show how stupid he is.) dimostrare, provare
    8) (to give or offer (someone) kindness etc: He showed him no mercy.) mostrare
    2. noun
    1) (an entertainment, public exhibition, performance etc: a horse-show; a flower show; the new show at the theatre; a TV show.) mostra, spettacolo
    2) (a display or act of showing: a show of strength.) dimostrazione
    3) (an act of pretending to be, do etc (something): He made a show of working, but he wasn't really concentrating.) finta
    4) (appearance, impression: They just did it for show, in order to make themselves seem more important than they are.) mostra, ostentazione
    5) (an effort or attempt: He put up a good show in the chess competition.) prestazione, prova di sé
    - showiness
    - show-business
    - showcase
    - showdown
    - showground
    - show-jumping
    - showman
    - showroom
    - give the show away
    - good show!
    - on show
    - show off
    - show up
    * * *
    show /ʃəʊ/
    1 esposizione; mostra; fiera; esibizione; salone: a show of paintings, un'esposizione di quadri; a flower show, una mostra di fiori; a dog [cattle] show, una mostra canina [di bovini]; a sample show, una fiera campionaria; the Motor [the Boat] Show, il salone dell'automobile [della nautica]
    2 [cu] mostra; esibizione; ostentazione; dimostrazione; sfoggio: a show of affection, una dimostrazione d'affetto; (mil., polit., ecc.) a show of force, un'ostentazione di forza
    3 [cu] apparenza; finzione; mostra; finta: It's all show!, è tutta una finta!; to do [to say] st. for show, fare [dire] qc. per mostra
    4 [u] aspetto esteriore; esteriorità; parvenza: He's too concerned with show, si preoccupa troppo delle apparenze; a request with some show of sense, una richiesta che ha qualche parvenza di ragionevolezza
    5 (teatr.) spettacolo, rappresentazione, rivista; (cinem., radio, TV) proiezione, programma, show: The show begins at nine o'clock, lo spettacolo comincia alle nove; DIALOGO → - Booking online- There's a show at 7.10 or the late show is at 10.30, c'è uno spettacolo alle 21:10 o l'ultimo è alle 22:30; stage show, spettacolo teatrale; TV show, programma televisivo; spettacolo televisivo; quiz show, quiz show; spettacolo a base di quiz
    6 segno; traccia
    7 (fam.) affare; azienda; impresa; organizzazione; baracca (fam.): After all, it's your show!, dopotutto, è affar tuo!; He wants to run ( o to boss) the show, vuole essere a capo dell'azienda; vuole comandare lui; You're in charge of the whole show, sei tu il capo della baracca!
    8 (fam.) affare; cosa; faccenda: a disgraceful show, un brutt'affare; una cosa vergognosa; to give the ( whole) show away, mettere a nudo la faccenda; svelare le magagne; scoprire gli altarini
    9 (fam., spec. USA) occasione; opportunità: Give him a fair show, dategli l'occasione di mostrare quel che vale (o quel che sa fare)
    10 (fam.) prova di sé; prestazione; comportamento
    11 ( gergo mil.) prova di forza; battaglia; operazione; l'impegnare il nemico
    12 (ipp., USA) piazza d'onore, terzo posto ( in una corsa)
    ● (teatr.) show bill, cartellone, manifesto □ show-box, scatola che contiene foto piccanti ( che si vedono attraverso un foro) □ show businessshowbusiness □ ( USA) show bizshowbiz □ show cardshowcard □ show ground, zona fiera (o fieristica) □ (comm.) show-how, dimostrazione ( di un metodo, ecc.) □ ( nelle votazioni) show of hands, alzata di mano: to vote by (a) show of hands, votare per alzata di mano □ (fam.) show-off, ostentazione, esibizionismo; (fam.) esibizionista, mattatore □ (fam. GB; di persona o personaggio vistosi) show pony, primadonna; primattore □ (leg.) show-up, confronto ( tra l'imputato e la vittima o un testimone); confronto all'americana □ show stopper, (teatr.) canzone (numero, ecc.) che scatena gli applausi; (fig.) cosa eccezionale; capolavoro □ show trial, processo politico ( per dimostrare il potere del governo) □ ( USA) show-window, vetrina, mostra ( di negozio) □ for show, per mostra; per salvare le apparenze □ ( USA) to get a fair show, essere trattato con lealtà (o con equità) □ (fig. USA) to get the show on the road, dare inizio ai lavori (al progetto, alla campagna) □ (fam. antiq.) Good show!, bel lavoro!; bravo!; benissimo! □ to make a show of, far mostra di, fingere di; mettere in mostra; ostentare: He made a show of interest [of accepting my offer], fece finta di essere interessato [di accettare la mia offerta]; to make a show of indifference, ostentare indifferenza □ to make a fine show, fare un bell'effetto; far figura □ a show of solidarity, un gesto di solidarietà □ to be on show, essere in mostra; essere esposto; ( di merce) essere in vetrina □ (fam.) to put up a good [a poor] show, dare una buona [una cattiva] prova di sé; fare una bella [una misera] figura; figurare bene [male] □ (fam.) to steal the show, monopolizzare (o prendersi tutti) gli applausi; fare un successone; essere la star ( di un evento mondano) □ (fam.) Let's get this show on the road!, cominciamo!
    ♦ (to) show /ʃəʊ/
    (pass. showed, p. p. shown)
    A v. t.
    1 mostrare; far vedere; esibire; mettere in mostra; esporre; presentare a una mostra; dimostrare; indicare; additare; segnare: Show us the garden, mostraci il giardino; I was shown a specimen, mi hanno mostrato un esemplare; Show me how to do it, fammi vedere come si fa; All passengers are to show their passports, tutti i passeggeri devono esibire i passaporti; to show one's goods, mettere in mostra (o esporre) la propria merce; to show paintings, esporre quadri (a un mostra); We are going to show the new spring collection, esporremo la nuova collezione primaverile; He showed neither joy nor sorrow, non ha dimostrato né gioia né dolore; He shows his age, dimostra gli anni che ha; Please show me the way, per favore, indicami la strada!; A barometer shows air pressure, il barometro segna la pressione atmosferica; ( sport: dell'arbitro) to show the red [the yellow] card, mostrare il cartellino rosso [giallo]
    2 dimostrare; provare; rivelare: This shows you how difficult it is, questo ti dimostra quanto sia difficile; This goes to show that you can do it, ciò sta a dimostrare che sei capace di farlo; The report shows that he did it on purpose, il rapporto prova che l'ha fatto di proposito
    3 accompagnare; condurre; guidare; portare: to show sb. to the door, accompagnare q. alla porta; DIALOGO → - Showing guest to room- I'll just get someone to show you to your room, chiamo qualcuno che vi accompagni alla camera
    4 (econ., fin., comm.) far registrare; presentare; accusare: to show a big increase in exports, far registrare un forte aumento delle esportazioni; to show a deficit, presentare un deficit; ( di conti) essere in rosso; The stock market showed a heavy fall yesterday, ieri la borsa ha accusato una forte flessione
    5 (cinem.) proiettare; (teatr.) rappresentare; programmare; dare (fam.): They're showing a famous film of the 1920s, danno un famoso film degli anni venti
    B v. i.
    1 apparire; vedersi: The buds are just showing, appaiono i primi germogli
    2 (fam. USA) farsi vedere; mostrarsi; fare atto di presenza; comparire: Her husband never shows at her at-homes, il marito non si fa mai vedere ai ricevimenti della moglie
    3 vedersi; essere visibile: The mend doesn't show at all, il rammendo non si vede affatto; Does the scar still show?, si vede ancora la cicatrice?
    4 (cinem.) essere in programma; essere proiettato: What's showing tonight?, che cosa danno stasera?
    5 essere in mostra; ( anche arte) fare una mostra; partecipare ( a una mostra, un concorso, ecc.)
    to show one's class, fare sfoggio di classe □ (fig.) to show a clean pair of heels, darsela a gambe □ (fig.) to show the cloven hoof, rivelare un'indole malvagia, diabolica □ to show sb. the door, mostrare la porta a q.; mettere q. alla porta □ to show one's face (o head), mostrare la faccia; farsi vedere □ to show fight, mostrarsi bellicoso; accettare il combattimento (o lo scontro); opporre resistenza □ ( sport) to show good play, esprimere un bel gioco □ to show one's hand, scoprire il proprio gioco; (fig.) mettere le carte in tavola, rivelare le proprie intenzioni □ to show a leg, metter giù una gamba dal letto; alzarsi: Show a leg!, giù dal letto! □ (lett.) to show mercy on (o upon) sb., aver pietà di q. to show oneself, mostrarsi in pubblico, farsi vedere; dimostrarsi, dar prova d'essere: He showed himself to be clever [a clever student], ha dimostrato d'essere bravo [un bravo studente] □ to show sb. the sights, far vedere a q. le cose più notevoli ( monumenti, ecc.) d'una città (o d'un luogo); fare da cicerone a q. to show signs of, dar segno di; dimostrare di □ ( anche fig.) to show one's teeth, mostrare i denti □ (fig. lett.) to show the way, indicare il cammino; aprire la strada (fig.) □ to have nothing to show for all one's efforts [for one's life's work], non avere niente in mano dopo tutti gli sforzi compiuti [dopo una vita di lavoro]; stringere un pugno di mosche (fig.) □ That dress shows your underwear, con quel vestito ti si vede quello che porti sotto □ ( in treno, ecc.) Show your tickets, please, biglietti, prego! □ I'll show you!, ti faccio vedere io! □ (prov.) Time will show, chi vivrà vedrà.
    * * *
    I [ʃəʊ]
    1) (as entertainment) spettacolo m. (anche teatr. cinem.); (particular performance) rappresentazione f.; rad. telev. trasmissione f.; (of slides) proiezione f.

    on with the show! (as introduction) lo spettacolo abbia inizio!

    2) comm. (of cars, boats etc.) salone m.; (of fashion) sfilata f.; (of flowers, crafts) mostra f.

    on show — esposto, in mostra

    3) (of feelings) prova f., dimostrazione f.; (of strength) dimostrazione f.; (of wealth) ostentazione f.

    to make o put on a (great) show of doing ostentare o fare sfoggio di (sapere) fare; he made a show of concern ostentava la sua preoccupazione; to be all show — essere solo apparenza, essere molto fumo e poco arrosto

    5) colloq. (business, undertaking)

    to steal the showteatr. rubare la scena; fig. monopolizzare l'attenzione

    II 1. [ʃəʊ]
    verbo transitivo (pass. showed; p.pass. shown)
    1) (present for viewing) mostrare [person, object, photo]; presentare [ fashion collection]; mostrare, fare vedere [ ticket]; [TV channel, cinema] dare [ film]

    to show sb. sth., sth. to sb. — mostrare qcs. a qcn

    2) (display competitively) fare sfilare [ animal]; esporre, mettere in mostra [ flowers]
    3) (reveal) mostrare [ feeling]; esporre [principle, fact]; [ garment] lasciare vedere [ underclothes]; [ patient] presentare [ symptoms]
    4) (indicate) indicare [time, direction]
    5) (demonstrate) [ reply] dimostrare, testimoniare [wit, intelligence]; [gesture, gift] dimostrare [respect, gratitude]
    6) (prove) dimostrare [truth, guilt]

    to show that — [ document] provare che; [ findings] dimostrare che; [ expression] mostrare che

    to show sb. to their seat — [host, usher] fare sedere qcn.

    to show sb. to their room, to the door — accompagnare qcn. in camera, alla porta

    I'll show him! (as revenge) gli faccio vedere io! (when challenged) gli farò vedere!

    verbo intransitivo (pass. showed; p.pass. shown)
    1) (be noticeable) [stain, label, emotion] vedersi
    2) (be exhibited) [ artist] esporre; [ film] passare

    show a leg!colloq. giù dal letto!

    to have nothing to show for sth. — restare con un pugno di mosche

    to show one's facecolloq. farsi vedere

    English-Italian dictionary > show

См. также в других словарях:

  • make-up — ♦♦♦ also makeup 1) N UNCOUNT Make up consists of things such as lipstick, eye shadow, and powder which some women put on their faces to make themselves look more attractive or which actors use to change or improve their appearance. Normally she… …   English dictionary

  • Make Compatible — is a program developed by Microsoft that is included with Windows 9x operating systems. It changes per program system settings in Windows to allow Windows 3.1 programs that are tailored specifically to that platform to execute under newer… …   Wikipedia

  • Make It Stop (September's Children) — Single by Rise Against from the album Endgame B side Lanterns / Death Blossoms Released May 30, 2011 Format …   Wikipedia

  • Make Way for Ducklings —   …   Wikipedia

  • Make Room! Make Room! —   …   Wikipedia

  • Make Me a Supermodel (Australian TV series) — Make Me a Supermodel Genre Reality Presented by Jennifer Hawkins(Season 1) Tyson Beckford (Season 1) …   Wikipedia

  • Make It Stop — Studio album by Zero Boys Released 1991 Recorded GALT Studios, Culver, Indiana Genre …   Wikipedia

  • make oneself scarce — {v. phr.}, {slang} To leave quickly; go away. * /The boys made themselves scarce when they saw the principal coming to stop their noise./ * /A wise mouse makes himself scarce when a cat is nearby./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • make oneself scarce — {v. phr.}, {slang} To leave quickly; go away. * /The boys made themselves scarce when they saw the principal coming to stop their noise./ * /A wise mouse makes himself scarce when a cat is nearby./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • make a nuisance of oneself — {v. phr.} To constantly bother others. * /The screaming kids made a nuisance of themselves around the swimming pool./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • make a nuisance of oneself — {v. phr.} To constantly bother others. * /The screaming kids made a nuisance of themselves around the swimming pool./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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